At Grupo HAME we know that the most important thing is our people. More than 20 years ago we arrived at our headquarters and we have decided to transform it to offer a renovated and versatile environment where our collaborators can grow and develop. Our new facilities have a fresh image that reflects our values, our history and where we are headed....
For Grupo HAME, caring for the environment is essential. With a vision focused on sustainability, we train our employees to ensure that all our activities comply with the environmental regulations in force in Guatemala and actively contribute to the preservation of the environment. Through specialized workshops, we train the leaders of compre...
The protection of biodiversity is an integral part of our vision of sustainability, so an important pillar is the conservation of ecosystems, and to this end we are committed to protecting endangered species in the areas where we operate. At Grupo HAME we promote actions focused on the conservation of these species. We constantly monitor the ...
Since our beginnings, at Grupo HAME we know that the most important thing is our people. That is why we are happy to announce that we are among the best companies with the best human talent in Central America and the Dominican Republic, in the Summa Magazine ranking. The evaluation, based on the opinion of 1,000 businesspeople, executiv...
At Grupo HAME we are committed to caring for the environment and the well-being of the communities where we operate. Therefore, through our company Agrícola Atitlán, we reforested two hectares in Cajamarca, Colombia, with native species such as beech, arrayán, alizo, nacedero and wax palm, the latter in danger of extinction. These species help cont...
At Grupo HAME we want to Cultivate Prosperity with every step we take. This drives us to expand our operations in a sustainable and responsible manner. We grow high-quality Hass avocados in Guatemala, Colombia and Peru. This not only allows us to generate decent employment and opportunities in our areas of influence, but also commits us to gu...
The United Nations Resident Coordinator in Guatemala, head of the Global Compact office for Latin America and members of the Guatemala network reiterated the firm commitment to the Ten Principles of the Global Compact and the lines of action for building a better Guatemala. Global Compact Red Guatemala is the largest corporate sustainability ...
Irene Aycinena, Sustainability Assurance Manager was appointed as Vice President of the CSR and Sustainability Committee of the Guatemalan American Chamber of Commerce -AMCHAM- for its acronym in English. This committee seeks to support members by educating, promoting and helping to implement Corporate Social Responsibility programs.
We received a visit to our operations in Atlántida, Álamo and Tacuba from the Delegation of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations (OHCHR), to inform them of our initiatives and sustainable practices, focused on Human Rights. During the visit, the operations team, together with the Sustainability and Human Resour...
We participated as speakers in the "1st Sustainable Irrigation Seminar and 2nd South Coast Water Resources Symposium." In our first presentation "Comprehensive water management for rainwater harvesting in palm cultivation", we highlighted the importance of taking advantage of natural resources to improve sustainability in palm cultivation. In...
Committed to the environment and in compliance with our Sustainability indicators, we received a visit from the Climate Change Institute -ICC- and the Association of Independent Banana Producers -APIB-, to verify our good environmental practices and validate the process records of clean energy generation generated through the biogas system and sola...
Recibimos la visita en nuestras operaciones de Atlántida, Álamo y Tacuba de la Delegación de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas (OACNUDH), para darles a conocer nuestras iniciativas y prácticas sostenibles, enfocadas en Derechos Humanos. Durante la visita, el equipo de las operaciones, junto con el eq...
En un esfuerzo conjunto entre el sector privado y el Gobierno, Grupo HAME reafirma su compromiso con el bienestar del país contribuyendo en la restauración del tramo carretero de la autopista Palín-Escuintla, afectado por un hundimiento en el kilómetro 45.9. Grupo HAME ha movilizado maquinaria y apoyo para destapar el drenaje afectado por las inten...
As a Group we seek to be a benchmark for operational efficiency and sustainability, implementing practices and technologies that guarantee responsible and sustainable production, in compliance with applicable national and international laws and regulations, as well as compliance with the highest certification standards. In this sense, Eduardo...
En Grupo HAME estamos muy orgullosos de inaugurar nuestra segunda planta empacadora de plátano, logro que ha sido posible gracias al compromiso, esfuerzo, dedicación y trabajo en equipo de la familia HAME. La empacadora ubicada en Caballo Blanco, Retalhuleu, está diseñada con tecnología de alto rendimiento, que cumple con estándares internacionales...
Grupo HAME obtuvo los puestos 13 de 15 y 87 de 100 de los rankings por país y regional de empresas líderes en Cultura Organizacional respectivamente, en el listado publicado por revista SUMMA en junio 2024, basado en la opinión de altos ejecutivos de la región, entre los que destacan CEO, presidentes, gerentes generales, financieros y de mercadeo. ...
Comprometidos con el ambiente y en cumplimiento con nuestros indicadores de Sostenibilidad, recibimos la visita del Instituto de Cambio Climático -ICC- y de la Asociación de Productores Independientes de Banano -APIB-, para verificar nuestras buena prácticas ambientales y validar los registros de los procesos de generación de energía limpia ge...
Irene Aycinena, Gerente de Aseguramiento de Sostenibilidad fue nombrada como Vicepresidenta del Comité de RSE y Sostenibilidad de la Cámara de Comercio Guatemalteco Americana -AMCHAM- por sus siglas en inglés. Este comité busca apoyar a los agremiados a través de educar, promover y ayudar a implementar programas de Responsabilidad Social Empresaria...
La Red de Pacto Global Guatemala dio a conocer la conformación del Comité Directivo para el período 2024-2025, del que Grupo HAME formará parte, reafirmando su compromiso y el de sus miembros con la sostenibilidad corporativa y el desarrollo sostenible del país. El Coordinador Residente de las Naciones Unidas en Guatemala, n de la oficina de Pacto ...