At Grupo HAME we are committed to endangered species
The protection of biodiversity is an integral part of our vision of sustainability, so an important pillar is the conservation of ecosystems, and to this end we are committed to protecting endangered species in the areas where we operate.
At Grupo HAME we promote actions focused on the conservation of these species. We constantly monitor the fauna without interfering with its natural habitat, and we have an exhaustive sighting protocol. We also prohibit hunting, fishing and deforestation.
During our activities, we have found species such as the yellow-naped parrot, the neotropical otter, the water cantil, the jaguarundi and the camotillo. "We promote care for the ecosystem and the sustainability of resources. We leave an environment conducive to species propagating and nesting, and we carry out studies and conservation plans to take care of nature," explains Fritz Versluys, head of environmental management.
We will continue to work responsibly and promote safe conditions for the environment.