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Our Operations 100% Deforestation Free


As a Group we seek to be a benchmark for operational efficiency and sustainability, implementing practices and technologies that guarantee responsible and sustainable production, in compliance with applicable national and international laws and regulations, as well as compliance with the highest certification standards. 

In this sense, Eduardo Castañeda, Head of Sustainability and Irene Aycinena, Sustainability Assurance Manager, within the framework of the event Inclusive paths for climate smart solutions, held in Brussels, Belgium, met with key industry actors and clients of palm to present our strategy and progress towards compliance with the Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products of the European Union. 

Our corporate strategy for compliance with this Regulation is based on 3 pillars: Corporate Compliance, Traceability and Monitoring and Due Diligence, which put us at the forefront of the agribusiness, guaranteeing that our production is free of deforestation.