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Grupo HAME welcomes you to the SPOTT 2023 review. By clicking on each category, you will find the support links for each indicator.




Grievance Mechanism


We have a Grievance Mechanism, with a clear procedure so that everyone, collaborator, community member, supplier, customer or anyone can report any issue related to the company, in the work are or community. Our mechanism is free, confidential and safe. Our Mechanism Procedure establishes times and channels for receiving grievances and enquiries.


Additionally, we transparently keep a list of complaints open in all operations of any public grievance that enters, following up in accordance with deadlines established for its due resolution.


At Grupo HAME we act ethically and transparently, operating in a responsible manner and we Prohibit Corruption in any way.


Our  Policy of Transparency, Ethics and Anticorruption is a mechanism that defines, governs and promotes a series of coordinated actions to prevent corruption and bribery, in turn promoting transparency and legality commitment of our stakeholders with whom we operate and interact. We also have a Code of Values and Behaviors, which like our policies, applies to all our collaborators, managers, customers, suppliers, people acting on behalf of the Group.



We have a Non-Bribery Management System that establishes controls and measures to prevent, detect and treat any form of bribery. The system tracks the criteria for due diligence and compliance in an ethical culture. 


Our Grievance Mechanism Procedure establishes timesand channels for receiving grievances and enquiries.

guia spott


spott 10 Governance and complaints


180. Commitment to ethical conduct and the prohibition of corruption?

181. Does the commitment to ethical conduct and the prohibition of corruption apply to all suppliers?

182. Progress in the commitment to ethical conduct and the prohibition of corruption?

183. Disclosure of the company's management approach to taxes and payments to governments.

184. Complaint procedure?

185. Own complaints or claims system open to all actors?

186. Are details of complaints and grievances disclosed?