Human rights
Content Index Human Rights
Human rights of communities
Impact Mitigation
Aware that our operations could have impacts on the natural environment and the communities around us, we carry out Social and Environmental Impact Studies (EISA) to identify, manage, evaluate and remedy the possible impacts of our activities. We maintain a constant and close dialogue with our stakeholders, listen to their concerns and work together to take appropriate prevention, mitigation and remediation measures. Likewise, we strive to be a good neighbor to the communities where we operate and to be stewards of the environment in which we live.
Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)
We recognize and value the richness of the cultural diversity of our communities in the area of influence and of the indigenous peoples. We are committed to respecting and preserving your cultural identity, customs, practices and beliefs. Additionally, we respect customary rights and the constitutional rights of private property. We use appropriate procedures to ensure due observance of the principles of free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) with neighboring communities when new plantations are involved.
Complaints and Claims Procedures (PQR) and Remediation
It is important for us to resolve all queries, complaints and claims regarding our operations. We follow an internal procedure designed to address them fairly and equitably and, when necessary, take remedial action. Likewise, we carry out periodic evaluations of our procedure to guarantee continuous improvement.
Dialogue and Relationship
We know the importance of having a solid relationship network with key actors and our interest groups, which is vital to promote the proper development of our businesses. In this sense, proactively managing risks and opportunities helps us contribute to the sustainable development of the environment and consolidate our corporate reputation.
Likewise, we have implemented agile response mechanisms and effective communication channels to address any questions or queries in a timely manner.
Our alliances are established under a shared vision of principles, values and goals, prioritizing people and the environment as the central axis of the productive activities carried out. We belong to the following associations:
Contribution to local development
We are committed to the well-being of people and the development of our communities of influence. To achieve this, we follow three axes of work:
Local Employment Generation: We believe in the importance of providing job opportunities at the local level, to generate a positive impact on communities.
Contribution to Food Security and Development: We collaborate with neighboring communities to contribute to food security and generate development opportunities. In addition, we promote infrastructure projects in these areas of influence.
Multi-sector Collaboration: We work in close collaboration with communities, local government, NGOs, Academia and other actors interested in the development of our communities neighbors. This collaboration allows us to address challenges and work together to build a more prosperous and sustainable future.
We promote an environment of trust among our collaborators, which is why we prohibit threats, harassment, intimidation or any type of retaliation against Human Rights Defenders, users of the Grievance Mechanism (MQC) and/or any other person.